T: (02) 8006 9975 A: 11-13 Rhodes St West Ryde NSW 2114
The Premier Performance Studio
Keeping our MPA Family SAFE
All MPA students and their parents/guardians must comply with the MPA Covid19 Safe Policy and associated procedures.
At Macquarie Performing Arts we take very seriously the position and role we play for young people in our community. We are committed to maintaining best practices in relation to hygiene standards and will always strive to make our environment safe, supportive, nurturing and joyous for our students.
Resuming our classes in 2021 means that we will need to work a little differently to how we have in the past. These measures are in line with current NSW government guidelines and will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
Our COVIDSafe Policies and procedures have been developed using the NSW Government Guidelines and Ausdance
All staff will undertake Aus Gov. Covid19 infection control training and will remain up to date with government guidelines and best practice in relation to hygiene and infection control.
All staff will receive formal training in MPA COVID-19 procedures
Students will be temperature checked upon arrival. If we identify a temperature of over 37.5deg parent/guardians will be contacted for immediate collection of child.
We will provide hand sanitizer, soap and disposable hand towels and tissues in the studios, bathrooms and at reception
We will deep clean and sanitise all areas of the building daily this will include wiping down “high-touch” surfaces in between each class - including barres, door handles and handrails
Teachers will ensure that there is no partner work or use of communal props in class
Display of social distancing markers inside the studios and on studio floor
Teachers will remind students of the importance of good hand washing hygiene and ask all students to sanitize hands before and after each class and after bathroom breaks.
MPA staff will fully supervise all students during drop off and pick up times to eliminate the need for parents/carers to enter the building
Staff will not come into the studio if they are unwell.
Students must not come to class if they are sick or have had contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
Only one adult should accompany a student to drop off and pick up at the bottom of the stairs (not upstairs to the studios).
The waiting area inside the studio is closed, all parents/carers are asked to drop and go, wait in cars or go for a walk.
If it is absolutely necessary for a parent/carer to enter the building, hands must be sanitized prior to entry, a mask must be worn and social distancing observed at all times.
Parents/carers are to be punctual at pick/up drop off times so to avoid students needing to stay in waiting areas
Students are asked to go to the bathroom and wash their hands before coming to the studio and are to only bring their named change of shoes and a named drink bottle to class.
We encourage parents to wipe these items before coming to class and when you get home.
We ask that students refrain from any unnecessary body contact and abide by the social distancing practices in place at the studio (e.g. hugging, high five etc). We understand this is more challenging for little ones and will do our best together to promote positive strategies and age appropriate alternatives.
This policy is in line with the current NSW GOVERNMENT HEALTH guidelines as at JANUARY 2021. The MPA Mask wearing policy will be reviewed and updated in line with advice provided by the New South Wales Chief Health Officer.
MPA Teachers and Staff members will wear fitted face masks at all times in and around MPA facilities.
In line with New South Wales Health guidelines teachers must wear a fitted face mask that covers the nose and mouth. This means that face shields, bandanas, or scarves or loose snoods, loose Buffs® or loose neck gaiters on their own are not considered a sufficient face covering
A condition of entry to the Macquarie Performing Arts studios is that all parents and carers must wear a face mask, sanitise hands, and practice social distancing.
Students under 12 are not required to wear a mask
Students 12 and over are required to wear a mask, they may take them off during strenuous exercise – but must wear the mask if unable to keep 1.5 metres apart as per NSW Government guidelines
Students over 12 with a medical exemption are not required to wear masks
In line with New South Wales Health guidelines you must wear a fitted face mask that covers the nose and mouth.